How can we improve American health care? Steve Forbes offers some insightful information.
Interview with Steve Forbes
Steve joins Jim to discuss current events of the day, including the recent compromise on court nominations in the Senate, the current debate over tax reform, and the recent defaulting of United Airlines on its pension plan, and what that could mean in the future.
Economy: Nation, Global
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Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his thoughts on why the most important focus of any business should be on their customers – any questions?
Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to report on the many marketplace and policy challenges facing small businesses, including higher taxes and regulations, plus the extreme digital leverage wielded by Big Tech.
Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to report on the dangerous policy plans coming from the Biden administration and Democrats that will create significant harm and hardship to America’s small business owners.
Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current frothy stock market, plus the inevitable inflation that may cause a reset as a result of the monetary practices of the Fed and the fiscal practices of the government.
Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that America’s greatest threats include despot nations, like China and Russia, but perhaps even more so, our own Big Tech companies, but in some ways, we’ve become our own worst enemies.