Craig Roach

Could education fix the fixation with socialism?

Craig Roach joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the U.S. education system is complicit in how poorly informed young people are about the value of capitalism and the failure of socialism.

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Craig Roach joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that after all these years, the only changes to the importance of electricity is in how we’ll generate it.
Craig Roach joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the U.S. education system is complicit in how poorly informed young people are about the value of capitalism and the failure of socialism.
Craig Roach joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why, after decades of failed socialist experiments, including millions of people killed, starved and subject to other socialistic failed policies, it’s actually being promoted as an alternative to capitalism.
Craig Roach joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that after all these years, the only changes to the importance of electricity is in how we’ll generate it.
Craig Roach joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the challenges to our current electric grid, and that in some ways the future grid may look decentralized in a way that Edison might have liked.