
Eye of My Heart

Author: Barbara Graham

In Eye of My Heart, twenty-seven smart, gutsy writers explode myths and stereotypes and tell the whole crazy, complicated truth about being a grandmother in today's world. Among the contributors: Anne Roiphe learns—the hard way—to keep her mouth shut and her opinions to herself; Elizabeth Berg marvels at witnessing her child give birth to her child;
Beverly Donofrio makes amends for her shortcomings as a teenage mother; Judith Viorst exposes the high-stakes competition for Most Fabulous Grandchild; Jill Nelson grapples with mother-daughter tensions triggered by the birth of her grandson; and more... In this groundbreaking collection, you will encounter the real stories that usually go untold. Free of platitudes and clichés, the essays in Eye of My Heart are linked by a common thread: a love for grandchildren that knows no bounds, despite inescapable obstacles and limitations.