Friday, May 21, 2021
Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on the past 23 years of collaborating on Jim’s show as they reported on how technology has evolved and grown since then.
Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what the future will hold for the hand-held paper book, as well as whether the increasingly shorter attention spans will make long-form non-fiction books irrelevant.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on where tax policy was the year she first joined Jim on his program, including the Taxpayer Relief Act, which dropped capital gains tax.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on how the tax compliance burden continues to increase for small businesses, because policy makers don’t understand how such compliance hurts the millions of very small businesses.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the future of intrusion by the IRS and the Treasury department, including higher taxes and more access to your financial accounts and activity.
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