
No: The Only Negotiating System You Need for Work and Home

Author: Jim Camp

Jim Camp, the world’s #1 negotiating coach, shows how to release the emotional pressure that’s part of any negotiation by using his proven system of safe, decision-based negotiation that enables you to meet all your objectives without needless, wasted compromises or giveaways. When confronted with day-to-day negotiating challenges at work and in your personal life, most people start to guess about how much they should give up in compromise to make the other side happy. Jim Camp has a better way for you to negotiate: NO. Saying “no” is not about being hard-nosed or intransigent. Rather, it stops everyone in their tracks, clears the air, and allows you to get at what the real issues are. Through Camp’s system you’ll find that “no” is just the start of the negotiation, not the end of it. With it, you’ll get everything you want and you’ll build solid relationships with those you negotiate with.