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Your search "taxes" in "Interviews" yielded 261 results:
Barbara joins Jim to explain how business owners can upgrade on capital equipment and write it off on your taxes.
Jim and Ray discuss President Bush's tax cut, the second in 3 years. They talk about where we are right now and where the government and economy were 70 years ago. They compare the decisions made and the affects of taxes on the economy. Jim and Ray talk about free trade and the way the tax bill will affect the global economy.
Barbara joins Jim on Valentine's Day to talk about tax planning. They discuss how to deal with taxes when it comes to independent contractors. They talk about what paperwork needs to be completed, and when it should be completed.
Marguerite joins Jim to talk about the issues surrounding the hiring of, and working as, independent contractors. As out-sourcing and downsizing increases, independent contractor relationships with companies are proliferating. Some of the key points include who pays the payroll taxes.
As you might imagine, John and Jim talk about tax issues. This visit focuses on the wrestling match between Congress and the Clinton Administration concerning tax proposals. They move on to talk about the argument of whether to pay down the federal debt with the surplus, or cut taxes.
Jim and Marguerite continue their discussion of Marguerite's "Commandments". They begin with a discussion of how businesses get into trouble by not paying the proper taxes, especially payroll withholding. They move on to talk about how to expect the unexpected, and how to identify what Marguerite calls, "The Green Zone, The Yellow Zone, and the dread Red Zone.
Doug talks with Jim about various kinds of trusts to help you preserve your estate and shelter it from unnecessary taxes. Specifically, they discuss the Bypass Trust, Living Trust, Testamentary Trust, and Life Insurance Trust.
Mark talks with Jim about how to take an axe to taxes by doing such things as, pre-paying a mortgage, lease Vs purchase of an automobile, and other financial principles that can save you money and strengthen the financial condition of your small business.
Dr. Davidson talks with Jim about the mistake that would be made if the surplus the U.S. is "allegedly" experiencing. Paul makes the case for re-investing the surplus back into our economy by reducing taxes.
Eva is a multi-faceted small business resource, and she begins her visit by talking with Jim about how an Internet discussion group works. They move on to talk about how to pay only as much taxes as you are required, including the home-office deduction, and self-employment health insurance deductions, among other things.