Squeeze More Out of Each Day

1. Make your own structure.
"In a 'regular' job," Jan says, "your time is set out for you. In contrast, as a soloist, you need to take action on things that matter." Tackle the tasks that you're always saying (when you're too busy) "I really should take time to make this happen" -- whether it's upgrading your computer system, creating a marketing plan, making a certain number of calls, or any number of other important actions.
2. Find support and accountability for smaller steps.
Chart your plans on your calendar, and find a regular group of peers to give you support and structure, whether a MasterMind group or a regular networking gathering. "Put the specific steps you're going to take to complete a task on a calendar, along with self-assigned deadlines. Avoid just jotting down a list of tasks, which can get congealed the longer they get put off," observes Jan.
3. Think task management, not just time management.
Analyze if your way of completing your tasks is efficient, Jan advises. "Think it through so you're not duplicating effort." Breaking tasks into smaller, defined steps also helps with procrastination, since you can find easy ways to get started.
4. Scrap the morning To-Do list.
"If you're making your To-Do list each morning, it's too late," says Jan. "What you're going to do that day should be determined by what you want to do this week, this month, this quarter, this year." If you've already charted your plans, a lot of your day is already spoken for. She adds: "You certainly don't want to wait until you feel inspired," since whole days might disappear.
"What you want is to see more results, not just to stuff more into each day," Jan counsels. Taking a long view and anchoring specific tasks and plans to deadlines is one of the best ways to chart your solo business future.
-- Terri Lonier, Founder, WorkingSolo.com
This article first appeared in the Working Solo newsletter: www.workingsolo.com
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