Tips On Recruiting Workers In Today's Market

With the unemployment rate at the lowest that it has been in years, the challenge of attracting new workers is one of management's most daunting tasks. The days of hanging a help wanted sign and then sorting through the flood of applications may seem to be a dim memory.
These days, there is a limited labor pool and your firm is competing with others to attract that qualified worker. As a result, recruiting efforts must be more diverse and creative. First, lets look as some of the "old stand-by" recruiting practices.
The local newspaper help wanted section continues to be the most predominantly used recruiting resource. And since most newspapers now have web sites, your firm's help wanted ad probably gets web exposure also. Take a close look at how you write your ad. If your open job requires specific skills, these should be identified in the ad. But recognize that more specific job requirements limit your pool of candidates, while a broadly written ad may generate more responses.
During periods of tight labor market, many employers turn to employment agencies as a source for recruiting workers. In the last few years, "temp - to - perm" arrangements have become widely used. With this practice the employer first uses workers on the job supplied by temporary help employment agencies. After determining that the worker is capable, the employer then negotiates with the agency for permanent placement of the worker by paying a fee or continuing the temp arrangements for a specified time period until the worker is converted to regular payroll.
Don't overlook your current workforce as a potential resource for filling jobs. First, the obvious - promote from within whenever possible. Secondly, invite employees to refer friends or relatives for consideration for employment. In today's tight labor market, recruiting sign-on bonuses for candidates or referral bonuses for employees making a referral are gaining favor.
Technical or trade schools and community colleges are another good source for trained workers. Workers fresh out of schools these days are generally up to speed on the latest technology and computer applications used on the job. If your staffing permits, try to make room for an intern or work study student. Further, your recruitment efforts through the local community college may reach the growing numbers of experienced motivated workers who take evening classes to continue their education.
New and emerging employment practices are being used by some firms to diversify recruiting efforts. Numerous Internet web sites now focus on matching employers and job candidates. If your firm has a web site, it may be wise to develop a web page which prompts employment inquiries.
Variable employment arrangements such as permitting part time employment or even job sharing may open opportunities for qualified candidates who are not available for full time employment.
Some firms have had success with telecommuting or tele-work arrangements where an employee is permitted to work from home or to perform certain schedules from a home based office. High tech communications equipment such as computers, e-mail, faxes and similar items make this a feasible work relationship in certain jobs.
Finally, if recruiting efforts are unfruitful, some organizations resort to outsourcing, the giving of work assignments to professional service organizations, consultants, or independent contractors.
Remember, your organization accomplishes results through people, so employee recruitment is a vital to the organization's success.
William S. Hubbartt is president of Hubbartt & Associates, a St. Charles, IL consulting firm specializing in employee compensation, employee handbooks, personnel policies and supervisory training. ( Mr. Hubbartt is author of The New Battle Over Workplace Privacy, published by AMACOM Books.