Put It In Writing

"I didn't know that I was supposed to do that." "No one told us that was the policy." "They never tell us anything around here."
These were comments made by employees saying that their employer did not keep them informed about important issues on the job. One of the common employee complaints at most organizations is lack of communication. In the rush to get work out or to take care of the customer, managers sometimes neglect to communicate issues effectively with employees.
Failure to communicate effectively often results in costly problems on the job. Changes in priorities, deadlines or work instructions can be missed if an employee did not get the message. Another common problem is a manager's failure to deal with an employee's performance problems. So many times, a manager allows an employee's job problems to continue without correction. If the employee is subsequently discharged, there is no performance documentation to justify the firing or showing how management tried to correct the problem. Lack of performance documentation is often a reason why companies loose or elect to settle legal claims presented by a discharged employee. For these reasons, it is important to "put it in writing."
Progressive firms clarify employee job responsibilities by preparing written job descriptions. A written job description details duties and responsibilities of the job.
Communicate company goals in writing to get everyone working together. Is your firm's goal to efficiently serve the customer? Is there a drive for quality improvement? Let your employees know.
Define and communicate performance goals to employees. If there is no performance goal for the employee to shoot for, then work activity just drifts along. However, a performance goal provides a basis to monitor job performance and to deal with problems.
Communicate work policies and procedures so that employees have a clear understanding of how things are done. Company policy and benefits information can be communicated in an employee handbook or policy manual. When work procedures are written and maintained at each work station, there's less likelihood for errors when absence and replacement situations occur.
Deal with performance problems as they occur. Explain what needs to be done and how it should be accomplished. If performance problems persist or become serious, then a written performance appraisal can be prepared to communicate the need to correct the problems.
When lateness, excessive absences or other misconduct occurs, a written warning can be used to correct the problem and improve performance.
Put it in writing. It's a way to be up front, fair and consistent. When you put it in writing, it shows that you are serious about dealing with the issue. Further, when you put it in writing, it helps to prevent many communication problems, and provides a basis for defending against legal claims.
William S. Hubbartt is president of Hubbartt & Associates, a St. Charles, IL consulting firm specializing in employee compensation, employee handbooks, personnel policies and supervisory training. Mr. Hubbartt is author of Personnel Policy Handbook, How to Develop a Manual That Works published by McGraw-Hill Book Company.