Should, Could, And Want To

Most soloists escape the W-2 world because they want to avoid the "should" of having others dictate the way they spend their days.
I've discovered over many years as a soloist, however, that the "could" is just as confining. Just because you are *capable* of doing something doesn't necessarily translate into an imperative to do it. Yes, you could (pick one or more): build a huge business, partner with large corporations, hire dozens of employees, open multiple offices, center your company on a competence that brings you no joy... the list goes on. In the end, you may have "big" but not profitable. Or enjoyable.
Most solo entrepreneurs I've met are great starter-uppers. It's easy to get swept up in the growth and early-stage possibilities. But when the dust settles after the initial push, it's crucial to be surrounded by a business you really want to own -- one that warrants you devoting your precious time and energy into building.
The next time you're tempted to consider a project or new venture because you "could" do it -- stop and reconsider if it will sustain your long-term interest. Because that's where the business reality of growth and profits emerges.
As business guru Peter Drucker points out: "The real discipline comes in saying no to the wrong opportunities." Make sure you say "yes" to yourself -- for all the right reasons.
This article originally appeared in Terri Lonier's Working Solo Newsletter, a free monthly email newsletter filled with news and information for small business owners. To subscribe, visit