Trust Yourself

Beverly Inman-Ebel When we ponder what it means to trust, our focus is usually on others. Will that person let me down? Can I count on what he says? How much can I trust her? While these questions are valid guides to decisions you may make, there is a far greater one: Do I trust myself?

Perhaps you currently have an idea that begins to take shape as you make plans. At some point in the timeline, you more than likely begin to question yourself. Suddenly you are consumed with thoughts of self-worth, ability, stamina, and even desire. By not taking action, you have actually made a decision to not trust yourself.

How often do you read about someone who took their idea through to fruition and now they are receiving the rewards? Are you nagged by the thoughts that, “I could have done that!” Could have. Should have. Didn’t.

What does it take to trust our own instinct, ability, and ideas? Trust is all that we have until we have proof. Once we have proof, we don’t need trust. Until we have proof, trust is the difference between possibility and probability.

Healthy trust requires a diet that will sustain it. Listen to what you say to yourself. Are you encouraging or discouraging? When an obstacle comes, are you more likely to determinedly find a solution, or is this the excuse to quit? Are you relying solely on others to trust you when you are feeling discouraged?

If establishing trust in yourself is important to you, here are some measures you can take to solidify it:

  • Begin each morning making positive affirmations. These need to be statements that are first person (“I”), present tense (“am” rather than “will”), and positive. You have about thirty minutes when you first awaken before the left hemisphere of your brain turns on. This is an opportune time to give a healthy dose of positive thoughts.

  • Seek small accomplishments every day. Rather than only celebrating when the big goal is reached, find pleasure in the small steps. Look for four of these each day.

  • Move. Motion changes emotion. Exercise can restore the chemical balance in your body, gives you a sense of accomplishment, and makes you physically stronger.

  • Go to bed early. Whatever your sleep routine, go to bed an hour earlier. Just before you fall asleep, count your blessings not your problems. If a nagging thought is keeping you awake, tell yourself that you will find the solution while you sleep and have the answer when you awake. Try it. It works!

  • Get more organized. It is difficult to accomplish the tasks you have planned for the day if you can’t find things, are over-booked, and constantly fighting fires. Don’t just make a to-do list, rather schedule this list into your calendar over the next several days.

    Stop. Think. Trust yourself.

    Category: Work-Life, Balance
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