Allen Adamson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why branding has evolved into the requirement that a brand can’t just present an impression, it must prove to customers that it is relevant to them.
Allen Adamson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why branding today must include the ability to convey a story that is relevant to prospects the first time, and to get customers to come back and tell their friends.
Allen Adamson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the concept of Shift Ahead, which is to lead change in such a way that you’re taking action ahead of the rest of the marketplace, more in line with customer expectations.
Allen Adamson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why watching competitors as your guide to future behavior is a plan for extinction, and that being relevant to customers is the key to sustained success.
Allen Adamson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the concept of Shift Ahead, which is to lead change in such a way that you’re taking action ahead of the rest of the marketplace, more in line with customer expectations.
Allen Adamson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why watching competitors as your guide to future behavior is a plan for extinction, and that being relevant to customers is the key to sustained success.