Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the unprecedented progress President Trump has fostered in waging peace between multiple Muslim nations and Israel.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the most current rules and considerations for seeking forgiveness for your PPP loan, including new forms and more time to file.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the steps you can take before the end of the year to lower your 2020 tax bill, including several health care and retirement plans, plus potential loss carry-back.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the upcoming personal income tax deadline for those who filed an extension last April, plus how to use retirement programs to lower your tax bill.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss year-end tax planning, and why under the circumstances, some companies may treat year-end income and expenses differently than in past years, plus the deductibility of the PPP funds.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the lack of progress in Washington for extending existing tax breaks, and why they may not even be extended until after January 1, but hopefully will be retroactive.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Sept 15 filing deadline for businesses structured as S Corporations, LLCs with more than one member, and partnerships, plus how to get a quick refund if you aren’t profitable in 2020.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the fact that the new law allows for you to file for a quick refund for past profitable years if you have a loss in 2020, plus the tax issues around the PPP loan.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the many reasons why small business owners should hire a CPA to prepare their taxes, plus why we must stay up to date on Washington policies that impact our businesses.
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to report on what’s now due on the new tax filing date of July 15, including tax returns and payments, plus how the changes impact other elements, like payroll taxes and filing extensions.