The economy is doing pretty well, according to the small business owners Bill polls every month, and he and Jim talk about some of the things his respondents told him about how they're doing.
Jim and Bill discuss what the FED will do with interest rates in their next meeting and what the economy looks like for small business owners.
Bill and Jim talk about the most recent survey Bill has conducted about what small business owners are saying about the current economy.
Bill reports on the current Small Business Survey he conducts each month. The news is not bad, but there are signs of softening as a result of sustained high energy prices and of course, higher interest rates. All of the recent prosperity has contributed to higher inflation.
Bill joins Jim to report on the most recent NFIB economic survey of small businesses. The news is good, just not as good as the last quarter. They also talk about the prospects for inflation.
Bill reports on the latest Small Business Economics Trends report he has conducted. His small business respondents say the economy is still good. Bill and Jim go on to talk about how rising interest rates and fuel prices are, and will, affect your small business over the next few months.
Bill reports on the most recent survey of small business owners that he conducts each month, and what his respondents say about the economy. They also talk about the impact of petro prices on small businesses, as well as higher interest rates.
Bill and Jim talk about the most recent survey Bill has conducted with America's small business owners about how the economy is going. Bill also explains in plain English how the trade deficit and whether we should be concerned about it.
Bill joins Jim with his monthly report on how the economy is looking for small businesses. They talk about inflation, hiring, housing, manufacturing and the impact of higher petroleum prices.
Bill helps Jim conduct this special Fed Watch Show, where they not only talk about what the Fed will do today regarding interest rates, but also this being the last day of Chairman Alan Greenspan's 18 year run as the leader of arguably one of the most important institutions in the world, they reflect on what will be his legacy.