Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why professionalism is powerful and critical to your career, and why the fundamental element of it is character.
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the seven critical elements of professionalism, including caring and customer service, as the platform for launching a successful career.
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why professionalism is powerful and critical to your career, and why the fundamental element of it is character.
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the seven critical elements of professionalism, including caring and customer service, as the platform for launching a successful career.
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the key traits of a leader and how to develop those in others, including personal conduct and the willingness to train others to be leaders.
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the role that humility, confidence and redemption play as we lead others and help them grow as leaders.
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fact that the velocity is the only thing new about change and what’s required to lead change in the 21st century, especially post-pandemic.
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to encourage business owners to include employees in the planning before execution of any proposed changes, so they become stakeholders in the new direction.
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fact that the velocity is the only thing new about change and what’s required to lead change in the 21st century, especially post-pandemic.
Bill Treasurer joins Jim Blasingame to encourage business owners to include employees in the planning before execution of any proposed changes, so they become stakeholders in the new direction.