Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what she’s learned about long life, including how to eat, no smoking, exercise, moderate alcohol, and watching your weight.
Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what she’s learned in 89 years of life about what it takes to live that long, including thinking about what you can do, and what you will do at that age, instead of what you used to do.
Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what she’s learned about long life, including how to eat, no smoking, exercise, moderate alcohol, and watching your weight.
Don Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to reveal how they’re teaching others to shake off the victimhood temptation and take responsibility for their own future.
Don Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to reveal how to make the transitions – reinventing yourself -- from what isn’t working today to what will take you into the future, from education to training to a new attitude.
Don Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to reveal what they wish someone had said to them when they were young adults, including believing in yourself – the strength of spirit inside of you.
Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to tell the story of how she first realized that minority women entrepreneurs needed extra help developing their business plans.
Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to tell the story of how she first realized that minority women entrepreneurs needed extra help developing their business plans.
Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the demographics have changed in Harlem in such a way that the black residents are now saying, “There goes the neighborhood.”
Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History Month by discussing how the velocity of change is making changes in society happen much faster.