Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History by discussing how most of America gets along much better than the media and the grievance merchants want us to believe.
Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History by encouraging a grass roots effort to demonstrate to each other that race relations on Main Street is very successful, regardless of what the media shows.
Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to tell the story of her life as an executive, entrepreneur, author, mentor and mother.
Clara Villarosa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal, after living 87 years, what she thinks is the key to wise living, including keep moving and keep thinking.
Don Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History Month by comparing notes on what history will say about President Obama’s contribution to America and the black community.
Don Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to compare notes on how historians will treat the first 20 years of the 21st century with regard to progress made by black Americans.
Don Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to offer their advice for President Trump, including watch his language more, and focus more on performance and less on fighting.
Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to share their perspectives on whether the Black community in America has made any progress in the past year.
Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to talk about what the path to achievement for young Black Americans looks like, and why some are succeeding, but most aren’t.
Donald Hunter and Clara Villarosa join Jim Blasingame to talk about how some Black Americans have found a way to build an achievement bridge and whether more mentoring by these individuals is needed.