Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to report on a recent Sage survey of small business owners to see how they break along political party lines and how they regard the government in their lives.
Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the top concerns small business owners have and how many of those are cause by government policies.
Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the presidential candidate currently favored, in order of preference, among small business of all party affiliation.
Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent Sage research on the state of startups, including one stat that shows more than half of startups are founded by women.
Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent Sage research on the state of startups, which shows that some of the keys to entrepreneurial success are beginning with a plan, having a co-founder, and seeking happiness first.
Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent Sage research on the state of startups, including the positive impact of a networking plan.
Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that many common tax mistakes small businesses made could be minimized with better planning.
Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the advantages of using an accountant to help you with tax planning and preparation.
Confidence is up among small business around the world. Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Sage Business Index survey, which shows that small businesses around the world are feeling better about their future.
Have small business priorities changed? Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Sage Business Index survey which show that the three priorities of small businesses are more sales, better cash management and better employees.