Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the sad condition of political discourse in the U.S. today, and what has caused this to happen.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to recommend some ideas on how to agree to disagree on touchy issues like politics, including requiring our elected representatives to represent the country, not just the party.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how – now more than ever – holiday parties can be fraught with peril due to the potential political argument awaiting, and how to avoid them.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how to deal with contentious conversations in holiday parties and family gatherings, including how to disengage.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how – now more than ever – holiday parties can be fraught with peril due to the potential political argument awaiting, and how to avoid them.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how to deal with contentious conversations in holiday parties and family gatherings, including how to disengage.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of becoming a professional networker, regardless of what you do.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to discuss reasons why you can’t sustain long-term success if you don’t get outside of the four walls of your business and be willing to risk what you know for what you might learn.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the single greatest behavior a Millennial can exhibit in order to out-compete almost every one of their peers.
Debra Fine joins Jim Blasingame to reveal several reasons why you shouldn’t miss the office or other holiday parties as an opportunity to network.