Doug Campbell joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why business owners can benefit from coaching, whether one-on-one or joining a roundtable group, as a way to get outside counsel and feedback.
Doug Campbell joins Jim Blasingame to suggest that if you’re trying to reignite your career, to consider what you were passionate about between the age of 16 and 28.
Doug Campbell joins Jim Blasingame to recommend that we find a way to have something besides our business to be passionate about, including a pastime or avocation.
Doug Campbell joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why business owners can benefit from coaching, whether one-on-one or joining a roundtable group, as a way to get outside counsel and feedback.
What could you learn from a business plan competition? Doug Campbell joins Jim Blasingame to report on how start-up business plan competitions work and why you should consider participating.
What were you passionate about when you were young? Doug Campbell joins Jim Blasingame to recommend that if you're feeling unfulfilled as an entrepreneur, try to recapture what you were passionate about when you were in your 20s.
What's the key to mentoring members of Gen Y? Doug Campbell joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how Baby Boomers can successfully mentor members of Generation Y, who have lots of content, but little context.
Reinvention is not an option for small business, it's a way of life. That's the message Doug Campbell brings to this interview with Jim Blasingame, as they discuss how to perpetuate the process of always staying a little bit ahead of where the marketplace is going.
How does a small business make sure it is ready for the next marketplace era? Doug Campbell talks with Jim Blasingame about the need to reinvent our small businesses so that we're ready for the next era of the marketplace where things will be different from what we've known.
What are the best growth options for any small business? Doug Campbell talks with Jim Blasingame about the growth decisions facing three of his clients and offers some solution options that any small business could use.