Is Obamacare falling apart? Governor Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to report on the fact that Obamacare is having difficulty being launched and whether it will survive its own structure.
Has the Republican Party lost its competitiveness? Governor Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the things the Republican Party has to do to put a president in the White House in 2016.
Will we ever have a national immigration policy? Governor Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to report on the current state of immigration reform debate in Congress and whether he thinks anything will happen this year.
Is the main stream media in love with Obama? Governor Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to offer his perspective on how the press has historically treated favorite candidates, including President Obama.
Are we better off today than before Obama became president? Governor Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to offer appraisal of the first term of President Obama, including a failed economic strategy, runaway spending and deficits and high energy prices.
Obama said he would transform America. Governor Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to offer his thoughts on Obama's prediction that he would "transform America" when he's president, including how that has come to pass.
The Iraq War is now officially declared over. Gov. Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the end of the Iraq War and what will determine if our investment and losses were justified.
Are Romney and Gingrich the proverbial turtle and hare? Gov. Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the GOP frontrunners, Romney and Gingrich, and how they may fare in the primaries.
Why has Congress has not passed a budget for three years? Gov. Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to discuss incompetence and ethical lapses of our elected representatives - from both parties.
What are the chances that Obamacare could be repealed? Gov. Pete du Pont joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the House voting to repeal Obamacare and how far this effort will get in the next two years, plus other health care alternatives.