Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that his company’s classic approach to “hugging” their customers is actually supported by some pretty important technology.
Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to talk about his philosophy of “hugging” customers with extraordinary service so they don’t want to go anywhere else.
Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how his organization was able to migrate and install it’s excellent customer-centered culture to several new acquisitions.
When you go to work, what is on your mind? Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to ask what is on your mind when you drive to your small business in the morning - product or people?
Why do your customers do business with you? Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to explain that your products are not why customers come back, but rather how you and your people make them feel - the experience.
What is the is the key to customer service success? Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the way to "hug" your customers so they won't go anywhere else to buy what you sell.
Do you have personal relationships with your customers? Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why your success is directly proportional to how well you develop and are devoted to quality customer relationships.
Main Street is more important to the economy than Wall Street. Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why America's economy needs to be driven more by Main Street and less by Wall Street and Washington.
How do you grow your business through customer loyalty? Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame with a perspective on building a customer-centric culture in your small business through proper hiring and training.
The 21st century differentiator is values, not products. Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how the way businesses differentiate themselves from the competition is not with products, but with the values they demonstrate.