How unions, both public and private, influence American politics. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why public and private union pension funds that target political races and legislation are bad for America.
When public unions target corporations for political purposes. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why public union pension funds are targeting corporations with proxy fights because of political support.
When trial lawyers find a new cash cow in state-sponsored litigation small business loses. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the questionable practice of state attorneys general hiring litigation firms to do the state's work on a contingency basis.
Employers avoid states known for cozy relationships between the attorney general and law firms. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how a state’s out-of-control litigation climate affects small businesses from insurance costs to loss of business opportunity.
Has your state adopted the Private Attorney Retention Sunshine Act (PARSA)? Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how PARSA reforms state contracts with independent law firms, creating a more business-friendly environment.
Do certain interest groups, including unions, use the proxy process to further their own agendas? Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how unions may abuse the shareholder proxy process by having a disproportionate affect on a company’s governance.
Would investors want to know if publicly traded companies abused small business vendors? Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how small businesses may be able to use the proxy process to expose abuses by big businesses toward small business vendors.
What does it look like when shareholder activism goes too far? Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the trend of shareholder activism on behalf of the agenda's of ownership blocks like environmental groups and labor unions.
Should the SEC control union proxy voting? Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how unions use the proxy process to leverage union contract negotiations and how the SEC could intercede.
All president's use the state of the union speech for political purposes. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how State of the Union addresses have been used by all modern presidents for their political advantage.