Jerry Ripperger

Interviews with Jerry Ripperger RSS Feed

Benefits are more than just health and retirement. Jerry Ripperger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal Principal’s 10 Best companies for 2011 and reveal how you can benefit from their best practices.
The Health Savings Account is arguably the most important thing small business owners have at their disposal to help them cover their own current and future healthcare requirements, as well as to be a more competitive employer, and Jerry talks with Jim about how new legislation has made HSAs even more appealing and helpful for small business owners.
The best solution to having good people working for you is to not lose the good people you have. The best way to do that is to provide competitive benefits, and Jerry and Julie join Jim to talk about what Julie's company did to become one of Principal's 10 Best Companies offering employee benefits. <br><br></["br"]></["br"]>
One of the keys to success for small businesses in the 21st century is being able to attract the best employees, including providing benefits. Jerry and Michael joins Jim to talk about some of the steps to take to develop and deliver a comprehensive benefits package.
Jerry talks with Jim about a recent survey of the impact of the cost of health care for employees. They also discuss some of the solutions and reforms which will be necessary to make this issue less of a financial challenge for individuals and businesses.
Jerry and Jim talk about the evolution of Health Savings Accounts and why HSAs may be the best thing to help small businesses provide affordable healthcare for their employees.
Jerry and Jim talk about the benefits of Health Savings Accounts as an important benefits tool for small businesses.
Continuing his coverage of the principle groups 10 best companies, Jim along with Jerry interview Marilyn and Thomas how their company held their health care cost increases under 4% a year when the rest of the country was experiencing double digit increases annually.