Jerry Silberman

Interviews with Jerry Silberman RSS Feed

Do you know how to prioritize who to pay when cash is tight? Jerry Silberman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to get the help you need when creditors are calling and you need help managing the cash flow that you have. Don't wait until it's too late to get help.
Are you in trouble with your vendors and creditors? Are you considering bankruptcy? Jerry Silberman talks with Jim Blasingame about some of the mistakes to avoid when negotiating with creditors and vendors.
Jerry Silberman joins Jim Blasingame live at the Small Business Leadership Summit in NYC to to talk about the economic impact on small businesses and his ideas on what you have to do to survive.
Are you considering bankruptcy for your business? Listen as Jerry talks with Jim about some ways to restructure your debts so that you can stay in business and out of bankruptcy.