Jim and James define success and discuss the feelings we carry around about ourselves and how it affects your performance in the workplace.
Jim and James talk about developing the people in your small business so you don't have to do everything.
James joins Jim to talk about the importance of gaining and maintaining balance in our lives.
James shares some tips with Jim on how to free yourself up by delegating more tasks to your employees.
James joins Jim to share some tips on gaining and maintaining balance in our lives.
James joins Jim to talk about the importance of having a mission statement for yourself, not just your business.
Jim and James talk about how to avoid the "time famine" phenomenon.
James shares with Jim how to keep balance in a chaotic world. Jim and James discuss how attitude helps achieve success in business. James talks about how to live in the present, but still have goals.
Jim Ballard talks with our Jim about intuition, and how to train your intuition. Their discussion includes the difference between instinct and intuition. And since there are no women around to argue with them, the guys talk about how women don't have the franchise on intuition. It's a rare moment.
Jim Ballard talks with Jim about how we can better manage our lives and our companies in this fast paced world we live in, and how to balance all of the components in our lives.