What are customers looking for in this recession? Kim Castle talks with Jim Blasingame about how to strengthen your brand by being real and honest, and letting customers that you understand the challenges they're facing.
How do you build a recession-proof brand? Kim Castle talks with Jim Blasingame about some of the things you can do to strengthen your brand strategy so that you actually thrive during a challenging economy.
What kind of small business owner are you? Kim and Jim talk about why you should think about that question.
One of the keys to branding success is to create brand authenticity, and Kim talks with Jim about how to make your branding efforts and messages authentic.
Kim talks with Jim about how to add value to your brand by adopting a cause that you feel passionate about and letting the marketplace know that your company is a supporter, and then backing up that position with actions and contributions.
Kim and Jim have another energetic discussion of what a brand is, how to have one, how to BE a brand, and why it's important for small businesses to have a well-developed understanding of their brands.
Kim and Jim talk about why small businesses not only can have brands, too, but why they must define their brands themselves, rather than letting the competition do it for them.
In her first visit with Jim, Kim talks about the keys to building a powerful small business brand.