Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power of leadership in taking care of customers mid and post-pandemic.
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power of believing in yourself, as he learned from watching his parents struggle as Cuban immigrants.
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to confirm the power of the special sauce that small businesses create, live Main Street values, and why Amazon and Wal-Mart wish they had it.
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power of leadership in taking care of customers mid and post-pandemic.
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power of believing in yourself, as he learned from watching his parents struggle as Cuban immigrants.
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to confirm the power of the special sauce that small businesses create, live Main Street values, and why Amazon and Wal-Mart wish they had it.
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why 21st century consumers of digital leverage have an opportunity to use the capability while keeping a jaundiced eye on the corporate purveyor of that leverage.
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the options available to one small business user of Google AdWords were limited and manipulated to the degree that it cost her money, to the benefit of Google.
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why instead of expecting the government to control large tech companies, users have to take responsibility for their own experiences and demand more self-control.
Paul Angles join Jim Blasingame to report on a LinkedIn strategy he conducted to see how much his network could be leveraged by making an offer to help his contacts.