Judith Glaser and Paula Lovell join Jim Blasingame to share their breast cancer survival stories of being diagnosed, their treatment, and recovery.
Judith Glaser and Paula Lovell join Jim Blasingame to share their breast cancer survival stories, and how much they attributed their recoveries to the love and prayers of friends and family.
Paula Lovell joins Jim Blasingame to talk about whether there is an extra degree of difficulty for a woman to be a small business owner than for a man.
Paula Lovell joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how she and her company dealt with a life-threatening illness, treatment and recovery.
Paula Lovell joins Jim Blasingame to talk to young women entrepreneurs about what it takes to be successful and happy as a small business owner.
Paula Lovell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to begin an engagement with a PR/Marketing firm, but telling/showing them your plans and focusing their assistance there.
Paula Lovell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to hire a PR/Marketing firm that will not only conduct the assignments you need them to do, but also to teach your organization how to do things they don’t need to do.
Paula Lovell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the element of trust as a powerful component when engaging and working with a PR/Marketing firm.
Judith Glaser, Lois Geller, Joan Pryde, and Paula Lovell joins Jim Blasingame to discuss their breast cancer survival and what role nutrition may have played.
Judith Glaser, Lois Geller, Joan Pryde, and Paula Lovell join Jim Blasingame to remind women entrepreneurs that you may be a force in the marketplace, but you still have to get screened for breast cancer.