Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the first step to help you fund the investment of a new hire is replacing a low-profit customer with a new, higher profit customer.
Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the incidence of internal and external fraud against small businesses is greater than for large companies, and why.
Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what a financial fraud launched outside your organization might look like, including cyber-fraud examples.
Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to identify several practices that will help you reduce the chances of internal fraud, including common sense checks and balances, and making financial employees take a vacation.
Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why most businesses fail because they don’t understand how to manage cash.
Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to prevent customers from putting you in a bind by using your cash to solve their own failure to manage cash.
Stephen King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what a customer relationship looks like when it’s time to fire them because they’re hurting your business.
Steve King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that every business has CEO tasks that need to be done, but not all businesses have someone who is assuming that role.
Steve King joins Jim Blasingame to introduce his new e-book that shows you how to measure the performance of the five major areas of a business and convert that information to profitable action.
Steve King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how successful small business CEOs fire themselves from jobs someone else can do, and promote themselves to jobs only they can do, including the vision behind performance metrics.