Stijn Hendrikse

Interviews with Stijn Hendrikse RSS Feed

Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to encourage small business owners to spend more of their time on in-bound marketing and trying to acquire earned media, and less on outbound. In other words, it’s less expensive to keep a customer than find a new one.
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to use the authenticity of your own words and voice in your marketing strategy.
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on how far we’ve come in staying connected with customers, from the landline, to mobile, to now a cloud-based multi-media switch small businesses can afford.
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to explain how his cloud-based call center incorporates traditional and new media contact from customers and routes them to you and your people in real time.
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to explain how to set up your own cloud-based call center and connect all of the ways customers can try to connect to you in real time.
Art Saxby and Stijn Hendrikse join Jim Blasingame to reveal the concept of renting a CMO for your growing small business, instead of waiting until you can afford to hire one full time.
Art Saxby and Stijn Hendrikse join Jim Blasingame to reveal the first questions an experienced Chief Marketing Officer would ask and how you should answer.
Art Saxby and Stijn Hendrikse join Jim Blasingame to reveal the process of engaging an organization that provides a Chief Marketing Officer you can rent, instead of hiring fulltime.
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on how far we’ve come in staying connected with customers, from the landline, to mobile, to now a cloud-based multi-media switch small businesses can afford.
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to explain how his cloud-based call center incorporates traditional and new media contact from customers and routes them to you and your people in real time.