Grant Leboff

What to say to customers when the economy reopens

Grant Leboff joins Jim Blasingame to first report on the toll of the coronavirus on the U.K., and then to explain how to talk with customers about doing business when you first start asking for business.

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Grant Leboff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how online users limiting access to their activity could actually become an advantage for small businesses that are prepared to refocus on the strength of their brand.
Grant Leboff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the level of exposure you have regarding your online privacy and are customers pushing back on Big Tech?
Grant Leboff joins Jim Blasingame to report on the impact that the coronavirus lockdowns have had on UK small businesses, and what the government has done to help.
Grant Leboff joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why your marketing strategy must be transformed digitally as soon as possible, which requires you to deliver your special sauce at the digital interface, not just inside your four walls.
Grant Leboff joins Jim Blasingame to report on the impact that the coronavirus lockdowns have had on UK small businesses, and what the government has done to help.