Steve Chandler

Interview with Steve Chandler

Steve joins Jim to talk about how to reinvent yourself, including Steve's example of how he turned his life around. They focus on the fact that most of the keys to our success is within us, not somewhere else, and not controlled by someone else. Jim makes sure that Steve's suggestions are grounded in the reality of the challenges we face in our small business world. Steve's visits are always powerful.

Category: Work-Life, Balance

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With so much fear in the marketplace, how can your small business be fearless? Steve Chandler and Jim Blasingame talk about attitudes and tools that you can employ to fight your fears and a slow economy successfully.
Steve Chandler talks with Jim Blasingame about how to manage fear in your small business by applying fear-fighting tools, such as experiences, preparation and courage.
Are you fearless? Do you operate your small business with courage? Steve Chandler and Jim Blasingame talk about how to use courage in your business decisions, especially when you need to say, "no."
What is your attitude about wealth? Steve talks with Jim about how we feel about wealth can often determine whether we actually create wealth.
What kind of manager would your employees say you are? Steve talks with Jim about the importance of learning how to be a "hands-off manager," with everyone still knowing that you're the one where the buck stops.