Wednesday - March 01, 2000
Where else can you go to hear a member of the Federal Open Market Committee talk about how the Federal Reserve Board operates. Don't miss this opportunity to hear one of the Fed insiders talk about he and his organization looks at the economy, small business, inflation, and interest rates. Bob McTeer is not your grandfather's economist. He's a no-nonsense, plain English guy. Don't miss this conversation.
Friday - March 03, 2000
Dale talks with Jim about the importance of courage and paying attention in helping owners and managers to make a difference in their organizations. They also talk about the importance of practicing MBWA, management by walking around. Dale offers some interesting ways to help small business owners solve problems.
Tuesday - March 07, 2000
Pierce talks with Jim about applying brain power effectively in the operation of our businesses. Pierce reports the results of research that shows that 90% of all training dollars is wasted. Methods of training discussed are mass training versus spacing training out over time. The research shows that retention improved when training is delivered over time instead of all at one time. The guys talk about ways to maximize your training budget and the effectiveness of your organization, including some of the new electronic capability.
First time on the show, Leslie has become the quality expert on our Brain Trust. Initially, Jim asks Leslie to talk about her experience as an assistant to Mr. Deming. Later, Leslie and Jim talk about the history of the quality movement during the 20th Century. All during this visit, they define and explain the quality process, and how it can help you be more successful in your small business. This is another unique conversation that you won't find anywhere else. Don't miss it.
Wednesday - March 15, 2000
Leslie joins Jim again to continue their discussion of how to install the quality process in your small business. But first, they discuss more of the history of the quality process around the world in the 20th Century, with emphasis on how America lost it's competitive edge during the 70s and 80s. One of the issues discussed is the importance of the person at the top of the organizational chart being totally sold on the installation of a quality process in order for that philosophy to really create positive results. These visits with Leslie are VERY important. Be prepared to gain new perspectives that will change the way you think about managing your company.
Friday - March 24, 2000
Gerald helps us imagine what's coming at us in the future by making us focus on where we've come from. The discussion revolves around the difference between the old economy and the new economy. Gerald is one of the best at making us examine our beliefs and notions about our lives, businesses, and the world we live in.