Search Results
Your search "Brad Huisken" in "Interviews" yielded 145 results:
Why training and incentives are critical for a professional sales team. Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the importance of continuous sales training, plus the value of incentives, even for non-commissioned salespeople.
What are the key elements of a successful sales manager? Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to talk about having the knowledge, leadership skills, and incentives if you're going to be a successful sales manager.
Do you know what a professional sales manager does? Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to identify the specific things that a professional sales manager must be able to do in order to help the company accomplish its sales revenue goals.
How much will it cost your small business if you fail to train your sales people? Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why the only thing more expensive than providing professional sales training for your team is not doing it.
Some things should be non-negotiable, especially in sales. Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame to identify those practices that must be non-negotiable with your sales people if you expect to survive and thrive in your small business.
Growing sales even in a slow economy can happen, according to Brad Huisken, as he talks with Jim Blasingame about getting out of our own way and reinstalling the right attitude in our organizations.
Create non-negotiable standards for sales and service. Brad Huisken discusses with Jim Blasingame how to develop, train and execute on these minimum standards for performance when working with customers in sales and follow-up service.
When should a small business ad a sales manager to the staff? Brad Huisken joins Jim Blasingame as they discuss the process of adding a sales manager to the staff, plus specific skills and tasks required of good sales management.
When is the best time to conduct training in a small business? Brad Huesken says it's during a recession. Honest! He explains why with Jim Blasingame.
How do we get our salespeople (including us) to have a positive attitude when the economy isn't so great? Brad Huisken talks with Jim Blasingame about how to address some of the emotional, physical and practical challenges of staying motivated to ask prospects and customers to do business with you.