Holiday Cards…Gifts…

When I teach my class at NYU, speak at The DMA or other professional group or teach a DM Boot Camp onsite at a company, I end up passing out little candles or furry animals or trolls or some fun little gadget or bauble.
It’s a great way to “break the ice” and everyone likes to be acknowledged with something special.
Yet it seems to me that so many companies (and individuals) just try to deliver the minimum when it comes to cards and gifts.
For instance, there is one holiday card that is just so common (usually just a bit of gold edging with the company and person’s name printed on the inside.) I got 5 of them last year. It screams BORING. I’m sure the good wishes are there…but there’s nothing expressive, personal or special about this type of communication.
And I think most companies send it because they feel it’s “safe”, doesn’t take a lot of time or effort, and will offend nobody.
But is blending with all the other predicable cards the point of sending cards in the first place?
The point of sending cards (and gifts) is to reach out and affirm the connection you have with another human being and remind that person of your personal and professional relationship. (Maybe for some people it’s just a professional relationship, but for me it’s always both.)
So, this year, when you are thinking about your company’s gifts and cards, I hope you’ll move outside your comfort zone and try to come up with something memorable.
I think some of the best cards on the planet come from our Art Director, Pepper Huff. It won’t do any good to ask him to do yours. He’s way too busy.
No matter what kind of card you send, try to sign the card yourself. It’s even better to write a personal note. I realized how meaningful this can be when my doorman thanked me – both for the gift and the note which he thought was “very sweet.”
Years ago when the agency was just getting on its feet, I was working hard to try to get business from an automobile company. Our letters and phone calls weren’t getting much of a response. Then I came across an adorable replica of one of the cars this company manufactured. I decided to send it to the head of the department with a little note. We ended up getting the account, and years later when I went to visit him, the replica car I had sent was sitting right on his desk!
So, as you think about your holiday cards and gifts…as well as “surprise and delight” trinkets and notes you could be sending any time of the year, try hard to come up with something that reflects who you are. Many of us are afraid of looking foolish or making a mistake, but if you don’t try to be a bit different, you’ll never break through all the clutter.
One more thing…make sure you thank everyone who helps you. Hey, I owe you all a big THANKS! So many of you have written to me …shared your ideas and made suggestions…
LOIS K. GELLER is President of Mason & Geller Direct Marketing, a full service direct response agency in NYC. Mason & Geller creates direct marketing plans, direct mail campaigns, direct response commercials and other offline and online strategic services for many blue chip businesses as well as smaller companies. Lois is the author of the new revised and updated edition of RESPONSE! The Complete Guide to Profitable Direct Marketing published Fall 2002. Lois is the developer of the popular corporate training seminar “Direct Marketing Boot Camp” which she has delivered to over 100 top organizations. If you have any direct marketing questions, email Lois at