Public Policy Resolutions

Of the more than 2600 interviews I have conducted with hundreds of experts, I estimate that more than 10% have been at least partially, if not completely, about public policy affecting small business interests, including tax policy, privacy, regulation, deregulation, banking, etc.
From time-to-time, I have also used this space to inform you about public policy issues. And since I am an advocate, not a reporter, I have stated my personal opinions about small business public policy issues currently in force as well as those proposed.
Small business owners MUST be more active in politics in the future. Here are our alternatives:
Public Policy Resolution One: I resolve to know who my Congressional Representative and U.S. Senators are, and to establish contact with them so they know who I am and what is important to me.
Every year, these three elected officials participate in passing laws, establishing regulations, and creating mandates that affect your small business. Unfortunately, more often than not, the affect is negative.
There are at least two reasons why it's misguided and naïve to expect members of Congress to act intuitively in our best interest:
1. Most members of Congress have never made a payroll, and consequently, know little or nothing about the unique challenges small business owners face. If you think I'm over-generalizing, during this year's election cycle, listen for any mention about the interests of those who create over half of the Gross Domestic Product, and employ over 60% of all workers. (In case you didn't know, that's small businesses, like yours and mine.) I predict you have better than 50% odds of being disappointed.
2. Small business owners are not as focused, organized, or well funded as our big business cousins. It's sad to say, but the squeaky wheel does indeed get the grease.
Part of our job as small business owners is to let our elected representatives know what's important to us. Moreover, we have to educate them about what we need them to do. If we don't, we can't complain about what we get.
Public Policy Resolution Two: I resolve to find out how my delegation voted on small business issues.
Obviously, first you have to know what those issues are. Some you will know, like lower taxes, less regulations, and issues that relate directly to your industry. Some are more obscure, like laws that, when promulgated, will lead to regulations and mandates that insidiously suck precious working capital out of small businesses like yours. Did you know that, according to the SBA Ombudsman, Michael Barrera, complying with regulations costs small business more than twice as much per employee as big business? That fact alone ought to make you get involved.
The good news is, there are organizations that track Congressional and bureaucratic activity affecting us, as well as how your elected delegation voted on those issues (see Resolution Four, below). From the websites of some of these organizations, it's pretty easy to find out how your delegation voted on small business issues. Armed with that information, you can have a specific conversation with the members of your delegation about how you want them to vote, as well as compliment them when they vote correctly for small business, or chastise them when they vote against small business.
The more members of Congress know small business constituents are tracking their voting record, the more they will pay attention to our issues.
Public Policy Resolution Three: I resolve to join and support (or increase support for) my local Chamber of Commerce.
If you're looking for the best source for state and local issues that impact your business, it's your local Chamber of Commerce. Your Chamber will keep you informed about these political issues, tell you what you can do to help, and make that opportunity available.
The reason I think Chambers of Commerce are so important is because, when properly organized and operated, they are the entity that can best cut across all the political, geographical, cultural, and demographic boundaries to defend your business, and support your efforts in your marketplace.
If you're looking to be part of an organization that is chock full of leaders, join and participate in your local Chamber. Your business needs your Chamber, and your Chamber needs your participation and investment.
Public Policy Resolution Four: I resolve to join (or continue to support) at least one of the national small business organizations.
When you raise your public policy perspective out of the local market, things can get a little blurred and intimidating. The good news is, as I mentioned earlier, there are organizations whose job it is to identify the issues your government is considering that are affecting your small business.
Here is a list of some worthy organizations with which I have worked closely, and would like you to consider following, supporting, and contributing to:
The NFIB has been around a long time, and they track small business issues not only in Washington, D.C., but also in all 50 state houses. The NFIB is perennially ranked as one of the top three most effective lobbying organizations in Washington, and it just so happens that they work for you and me. If one of their representatives calls on you, give them 10 minutes of your time. They've got a new look at
Pound-for-pound, no one gets more done for small business than the SBSC. They operate mostly in Washington, but they also have an excellent annual report ranking each state on entrepreneurial conditions. Check them out at
This organization focuses on making sure the information/technology industry is proactive in policing and managing key I/T issues, so that the government stays out of their business as much as possible. ACT also is very involved in the privacy debate. Here's their site: Their privacy site is
A very special volunteer organization designed to help this under-appreciated sector of small business. Join without a fee at
I encourage you to check out each of the websites above and see which one fits your eye and requirements. I promise that whatever you can do to support either of these organizations will be good for small business in general, and you in particular.
There are also trade organizations working on behalf of virtually every industry, so check with your industry group to find out what they are working on, and how you can help.
Write this on a rock... In the aggregate, small business has more potential political power than any other demographic. The problem is, we don't aggregate very well. In the 21st century, we have to fix that deficiency. We must speak with one message: the message of small business.