And The Sign Said…

When I opened the Blockbuster bag, I noticed that the clerk had failed to take the security strip off one of the videos. I had two options: (1) Break the packaging open to retrieve my DVD or (2) Drive several miles out of my way (and through rush hour traffic) the next day to get a Blockbuster clerk to take off the security strip. I decided to brave the rush hour traffic, and stopped back at the same store after completing my strategic planning with the client. (I was headed to northern Wisconsin, where I was visiting my Dad and brother, before I flew to Phoenix.)
I walked into the store, and the clerk that had “helped” me the day before was not working, so I explained my problem to the clerk on duty. I told her that I thought she should “at least” give me a free rental to make up for their mistake. The clerk said, “I’ll have to call my manager to get that approved,” and picked up the phone to place the call.
After a short conversation with her manager, the clerk explained that she could give me a credit for a free rental, but since I did not have my Blockbuster credit card with me, that she would have to call my “home” store in Woodstock to get my account number. After this second call (while rush hour traffic was building around me!), she printed a credit on her cash register, and handed it to me.
“When you give this credit to your store in Atlanta, they’ll have to call here for the authorization,” she announced. My response was, “Why don’t you just give me a ‘free rental’ certificate or a $5 Blockbuster gift certificate?” I asked. “I’m not authorized to do that,” was her response.
I could not believe that she had already made two phone calls (one was long distance) and expected me to have my local Blockbuster make a long distance call back to Minneapolis to verify my credit. All of this because a Blockbuster employee (Yes, I use the “e” word here, because that was the level of service I received) failed to take off the security strip. I was not pleased as I started to leave the store.
Are you ready? Here comes the “punch line.” As I backed away from the counter, I happened to look up. Behind the sales counter, the Blockbuster management had hung a sign that said, “Each of us at Blockbuster is empowered, authorized and expected to take care of you.” Yes, I guess the Blockbuster clerk did “take care of me,” although not to my satisfaction. (Waiting through 2 phone calls, and setting me up for still another.) But to have a large sign that says that “Each one of us” was empowered and authorized to take care of me was a joke!
Needless to say, I did not let this pass. Next to the “Empowered” sign was a telephone number for the Blockbuster regional manager. I called him, and it was no surprise that I got a recording. I left a message, relating my experience and challenging the regional manager to take their sign down. I also left my phone number, giving that person the opportunity to call me.
The moral of the story? It’s bad enough to deliver bad service. It’s another to deliver that sad level of service when the sign behind the counter tells the Customers one thing -- and the EMPLOYEES deliver the opposite experience.
What promises are you making to your Customers? Are you keeping them?
Mark Mayberry is an international speaker, author, and consultant. Mark wants your input about his newsletter! Please write him at: The Mayberry Group, 6015 Twinpoint Way, Woodstock, Georgia 30189. You can call Mark at (800) 394-6138, or send Mark an E-Mail (see above).