Perception Is Reality

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To keep both our internal (employees) and external customers happy we need to have a thorough understanding of their likes and dislikes. By following up with your customers after every transaction you'll be able to meet their challenges and concerns immediately and position yourself to keep and increase your business now and in the future. To make sure you are keeping them happy and delivering the best possible service ask yourself, your staff and above all your customers the following questions:

How well do we deliver what we promise?
How often do we do things right the first time?
How often do we do things right on time?
How quickly do we respond to your requests for service?
How accessible are we when you need to contact us?
How helpful and polite are we?
How well do we speak your language?
How hard do you think we work at keeping you a satisfied client?
How much confidence do you have in our products or services?
How well do we understand and try to meet your special needs and requests?
Overall, how would you rate the appearance of our facilities, products and people?
Overall, how would you rate the quality of our service?
Overall, how would you rate the quality of our service compared to our competitors?
How willing would you be to recommend us?
How willing would you be to buy from us again?

Arnold Sanow, MBA,CSP (certified speaking professional) provides keynotes, seminars, training programs and consulting to help his clients attract customers, keep them and get enthusiastic referrals. Arnold has been the President of The Business Source, Inc. since 1985. He has delivered over 2,000 paid presentations and is the author of four books, including, Marketing Boot Camp.

Category: Customer Care
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