Taming the 2 AM Terrors

Every soloist has experienced them -- the staring-at-the-ceiling moments at 2 a.m. when you really want to go to sleep, but your mind is racing with pesky questions such as: "Why did I ever think this was a good idea?" or "Will I ever work again?"
Having experienced my fair share of such nights in the early years of my business, I want to assure you that as your business matures, the panic of making a living does subside. However, sleepless nights might still creep in from time to time. How to turn off the noisy mind? Here are three ways to keep the sleep thieves at bay:
1. Join the company.
Sometimes when I'm tossing and turning during those predawn hours, I almost laugh out loud, because I recognize I'm not alone: somewhere in some time zone -- perhaps nearby, perhaps many miles away -- I'm certain there's at least one entrepreneur who is also sleeplessly pondering a giant To-Do list, wondering how to appease a fussy client, figuring out a new marketing campaign, rewriting that Web copy, or mentally fixing cash flow. Sometimes that realization is enough to bring me peace of mind -- or at least provide perspective that I'm in good company in facing such challenges.
2. Be self-aware.
While sleeplessness nights are often caused by worry, physical elements often play a part. Alcohol, caffeine, or sugar can fuel late-night work sessions or socializing -- but they can also be slow to leave your system and keep you awake for hours longer than you desire. Similarly, exercise can either pep you up or drain you to exhaustion. Develop your awareness about factors that may contribute to the nocturnal mental clamor.
3. Box it up.
One of my favorite techniques to silence the worries and internal babble is to visualize a collection of very beautiful boxes in which I store all my cares each night. I lift up each lid and place within it a certain set of concerns, knowing that each is securely stashed away until the light of day. In my mind, the boxes are beautifully detailed in brocade and ribbon, but most pleasing of all, they have very snug lids. When the last lid slips on, I luxuriate in the peaceful quiet that descends on my mind.
Sleep is a crucial ingredient for solo business success, since we need the energy to face multiple challenges each day. In addition, sleep deprivation erodes good judgment, and poor decisions can lead to situations causing even greater stress. It pays to plan your sleep as carefully as you plan other parts of your day.
-- Terri Lonier © 2008
Founder, WorkingSolo.com
This article originally appeared in Working Solo Newsletter, which you can find at the website, www.workingsolo.com.