The Power of a Personal Note
The art of writing personal notes is sadly disappearing. A personal note is one of the best ways to connect and re-connect with others. There are several kinds of notes to let people know you're thinking of them.1. Thank-You Notes are one of the least expensive and most effective networking tools. You can send them to acknowledge:
2. FYI Notes help you keep in touch at any time. You can send many things, such as clippings or articles. This lets them know that you:
3. Congratulations notes are a perfect opportunity to let someone know you are cheering them on. You can give these out on many occasions:
4. Nice Talking to (or, Meeting) You Notes help a person to remember you fondly. You can send these out after several events:
The post office reports that only four percent of mail is personal correspondence. This means that now, more than ever, a handwritten envelope will stand out among the piles of bills and advertisements. A note will get someone's attention, let them know you care about them, remind them of you, and, ultimately, strengthen your network to help you succeed.