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Jim Blasingame
Analog trust was handy in the Analog Age when most interactions occurred very close to the humans involved. But the more we employ global digital leverage by merely pushing an “Enter” key, the more... » More
Jim Blasingame
Both Tour de France athletes and small business owners exhibit superhuman traits and have four common elements required to compete successfully in both tours. » More
Jim Blasingame
The new prime differentiator in the Age of the Customer is not the competitive model, but rather a customer’s appraisal of how relevant a seller is to them. In today's marketplace, small businesses... » More
Jim Blasingame
America began with freedom, liberty was made manifest, entrepreneurship flourished, and the world is the better for it. Thank you, Founders. » More
Jim Blasingame
As the CEO of your business, if your enterprise is to survive and flourish you have to deal with each alligator that pops up. So remember, a well-nourished spirit = starved alligators = a greater c... » More
Jim Blasingame
Parental love is a paradox, simultaneously delivering the expectation of a safe harbor with the consequences of discipline. A mother’s love, both gentle and fierce, is observed in almost all animal... » More
Bill Dunkelberg
According to Bill Dunkelberg, NFIB Chief Economist, "Halfway through the year, small business owners remain very pessimistic about future business conditions and their sales prospects." » More
Bill Dunkelberg
As reported by Bill Dunkelberg, NFIB Chief Economist, “Optimism is not improving on Main Street as more owners struggle with finding qualified workers for their open positions. Inflation remains a ... » More
Jim Blasingame
In a society that has any hope for the future, debate, and compromise must be the coins of the realm. But when even the most vociferous debaters can’t agree on an absolute, that puts us beyond ideo... » More
Jim Blasingame
No question, cloud computing is an example of technology increasing business efficiencies and leverage. And for small businesses, it’s been a godsend. But like all high-tech tools, there’s an assoc... » More