Branding 101 – What I Learned from the Most Interesting Man in the World!

Ellen Rohr 
Ellen Rohr is a master at making business planning fun and showing you the few things that make all the difference to your business success. If anyone can take your business to the next level its Ellen, who took one franchise company from 0 to $40 million in sales, 47 locations, in less than 2 years. She now helps thousands of biz builders start, fix and grow their companies and makes the business planning process fun. Ellen's the author of The Weekend Biz Plan.
Category: Business Planning
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Interviews with Ellen Rohr»See all
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the financial management advantages a franchisee has over someone who starts a business from scratch.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to build a long-term sustainable business by managing with current operating statements, balance sheets and cash flow projections that compare your plan vs what you actually did.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power that a small business owner can acquire by learning how to be a better financial manager, which does not require being an accountant.