Jackie Dryden
Jackie Dryden, co-author with Bethany Andell of “Get Your Head Out of Your Bottom Line,” is Chief Purpose Architect at Savage Brands (www.savagethinking.com). Author of her one-of-a-kind parenting book, “Just Me: What Your Child Wants You to Know About Parenting,” she is a sought-after speaker and news source across all media platforms.
Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising, Networking
Interviews with Jackie Dryden»See all
Jackie Dryden joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways members of Gen Y are motivated differently, and what to accept and how to help them grow up.
Jackie Dryden joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how Boomers and Millennials are at once different and similar, and offer some perspectives on how to help the two generations work more productively.
Jackie Dryden joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways members of Gen Y are motivated differently, and what to accept and how to help them grow up.