Will Make Money BEFORE Mailing it.

Jeffrey Dobkin 
Jeff Dobkin is a funny speaker about sales, motivation, marketing and direct marketing. He’s equally at home writing direct-sales letters as he is technical business papers or his own brand of marketing plans for clients. Jeff is a seasoned writer and designer of direct mail, direct selling long-copy ads, brochures and collateral, annual reports, direct-selling TV scripts and stuff like dat dere. Heck, he just does it all, doesn’t he? Including tough marketing audits - what are you missing in your marketing? And sales letter… did I mention he’s really good at writing sales letters. Yea, guess I did. I’ve written, I mean he has written 5 books on marketing and humor. Over 5,000,000 people have read his articles on marketing and direct marketing published in over 200 magazines. Visit www.dobkin.com.
Category: Marketing, Branding, Advertising
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Interviews with Jeffrey Dobkin»See all
If you decide to write a book, what are your expectations? Jeffrey Dobkins joins Jim Blasingame to talk about realistic expectations when self-publishing, plus different ways to think about the benefits of being an author.
Do you think you have a book in you? Jeffrey Dobkin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how technology and the Internet has made it possible for anyone who can write a book to get it published.
Jeffrey Dobkin joins Jim Blasingame to offer tips on how to get your product in front of the specific people who use what you sell by focusing on where they live, work and play.