John Graves
John Graves has been an independent financial advisor for 26 years. He is an LPL Registered Principal and one of the two owners of The Renaissance Group, LLC. He is the author of The 7% Solution: You Can Afford a Comfortable Retirement.
Category: Financial Planning
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Interviews with John Graves»See all
How real estate fits into a small business retirement plan. John Graves joins Jim Blasingame to share ideas about the diversity of a small business owner's retirement portfolio, including real estate, bonds and stocks.
If you're a Baby Boomer, are you ready for retirement? John Graves joins Jim Blasingame to offer retirement advice for Baby Boomers, including how to understand the "7% solution."
How real estate fits into a small business retirement plan. John Graves joins Jim Blasingame to share ideas about the diversity of a small business owner's retirement portfolio, including real estate, bonds and stocks.