Judd Hoekstra
Judd Hoekstra is a leadership and human performance author, consultant and speaker. He serves as a Vice President at The Ken Blanchard Companies, a premier leadership training and coaching company. He is also a coauthor of the bestselling Leading at a Higher Level as well as Who Killed Change? He received his bachelor's from Cornell University, where he played hockey and baseball. He also graduated from the Advanced Business Management Program at Kellogg School of Management. For more information go to www.juddhoekstra.com.
Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust
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Judd Hoekstra joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how to improve your response to stress by lowing your boiling point.
Judd Hoekstra joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to identify when you’re at your boiling point so you don’t react to a challenge in the wrong and unproductive way.