Mark Babbitt 
Mark Babbitt is CEO and Founder of YouTern, a social community for college students, recent graduates and young professionals that Mashable calls a "Top 5 Online Community for Starting Your Career." A prolific blogger and speaker, he is also President of Switch and Shift and a co-founder of ForwardHeroes.org. He is the co-author of A World Gone Social: How Companies Must Adapt to Survive.
Interviews with Mark Babbitt»See all
Mark Babbitt joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the things you’ll need to do to shift from survival to renewal and reinvention of your business as we emerge from the pandemic to whatever is next.
Mark Babbitt joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the ways that your business will be required to adjust to the post-pandemic expectations of your customers.
Mark Babbitt joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why a company's culture has to be intentionally nurtured and leveraged by leadership as they manage a remote workforce.