Patricia Vanderpool
Patricia "Patty" Vanderpool has extensive experience assisting employees and family members to resolve personal problems. As manager of outpatient services for a national mental health facility, she helped implement and supervise their employee assistance program. Ms. Vanderpool has been in private practice and joined EAP Lifestyle Management, LLC to assist in administration of their employee assistance programs. Ms. Vanderpool has since assumed ownership of EAP Lifestyle Management, LLC.
Category: Entrepreneurship
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Interviews with Patricia Vanderpool»See all
How is your mental health in this economy? Patricia Vanderpool joins Jim Blasingame to talk about EAP Lifestyle Management and their most requested services for the workplace, what they're excited about, and why they're thriving.
Celebrating mental health at the 2011 Small Business Summit. Patricia Vanderpool joins Jim Blasingame to discuss EAP Lifestyle Management and how they provide mental health care to businesses and what frightens them as a small business.