Robert Siciliano
Robert is an online security, safety and identity theft expert who is committed to educating and empowering consumers to stay protected in both the physical and virtual worlds. He frequently appears as an Internet expert on television and radio for CNN, Fox News, and NBC stations to comment on the latest online security and safety news. Most recently he has provided comments on The Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, and appeared on the Anderson show to discuss new mobile and online identity theft threats. For more than 20 years, Robert has been an advocate, researcher and speaker for identity theft. He has witnessed the exploding growth of identity theft fueled by Internet access to information, the speed of technology outpacing security and a fundamentally flawed system of identification. In the last decade, his focus has been on all aspects of security trends both online and offline security.
Interviews with Robert Siciliano»See all
Robert Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to report on the responses of consumers about how we’ll use the Internet in 2025 and what cyber-security will look like then.
Robert Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to report on the current cyber-security environment and how increasingly diligent we have to be with our anti-virus strategy.